Beaudesert Store Sale – 8th June 2024

Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a fully firm market for all descriptions at their Beaudesert Store Sale on Saturday. Quality lines of Charolais infused weaner steers and heifers sold to a very enthusiastic panel of buyers. Feeder and restocker steers sold in line with last fortnight’s sale with competition from both local and travelled buyers.
Droughtmaster steers 2 years account G & J Saverin, Eagleby sold for $1,300.  Glen Hills Pastoral Co, Palen Creek sold Charolais steers 20 months for $1,280.  Eurara Pty Ltd, Innisplain sold Charolais x steers 15 months for $1,130.  Charolais x weaner steers account Jim and Rachel Hardgrave, Palen Creek sold for $1,150.  Droughtmaster steers 15 months account Paul and Katie Newlove, Maroon sold for $1,080.  Les and Daph Hardgraves, Beaudesert sold Angus x steers 12 months for $940.  Keira Farm, Mutdapilly sold Charolais x weaner steers for $900.  Eurara Pty Ltd sold Droughtmaster weaner steers for $860.  Droughtmaster weaner steers account Peter and Alyson Moore, Barney View sold for $840.  Stephen and Jane Struss, Gleneagle sold Santa weaner steers for $810.  Charolais x weaner steers account Chris and Christine Franklin, Oaky Creek sold for $790.  Charbray heifers 14 months account Glen Hills Pastoral sold for $740.  Jim and Rachel Hardgrave sold Charolais x weaner heifers for $650.  Droughtmaster x weaner heifers account John and Karen Healey, Biddaddaba sold for $560.  Charolais x weaner heifers account Dean Pilon, Merrimac sold for $550.  Dan Piacun, Canungra sold Charbray weaner heifers for $540.  Keira Farm sold Charolais x weaner heifers for $550.  Speckle Park weaner heifers account Ben Harmer, Ormeau sold for $490.

Peter and Alyson Moore sold Droughtmaster weaner steers for $840.